Sunday, August 2, 2009

Richman on Heath Care Collectivism

We have to do something about health care.”

The scariest word in that sentence is not something. It’s we...

It indicates that decisions about “the healthcare system” are to be made collectively, with one decision binding everyone.

That’s collectivism...

But why must we do anything about health care? Why can’t you do what you want, I do what I want, and he and she do what they want? Isn’t that what’s supposed to happen in a free society?...

With each so-called reform, we (in reality, they, the politicians) made things worse. It’s time we — collectively — stopped trying to reinvent the medical and insurance industries. Instead that task should be left to us individually — acting, transacting, competing, and cooperating in the marketplace. Only then will solutions emerge from people’s — not politicians’ — choices, as entrepreneurs (neither aided nor impeded by the State) pursue profit by producing goods and services that make us better off...

Let’s hear no more about what we — collectively and coercively — must do about health care. If government would get out of the way we — individually and cooperatively — would figure out what to do. Collectivism and government planning trample freedom and foster social stupidity. Individualism and free markets respect each person’s dignity and liberty while getting the most out of the “wisdom of crowds” in the marketplace.

read the entire essay

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