Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mogambo Guru on the Fed

“Do you think that the economy of the USA is getting better, staying the same, or getting worse? And if you think that it is getting better, then explain how in the hell that is even possible, ya moron, when the Federal Reserve, that loathsome piece of treacherous crap which caused all the housing problems by creating too much money and credit, and which caused the derivatives problem by creating too much money and credit, and which caused the cancerous growth of a stifling, suffocatingly expensive government by creating too much money and credit, and which caused interest rates to drop so impossibly low by creating too much money and credit, is still on the job! Still On The Freaking Job (OTFJ), creating too much money and credit, but in amounts that dwarf any of the previously insane increases in the money supply by the loathsome Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve 1987-2006, even though those relatively small, $10 billion per month increases in Fed Credit were responsible for all the umpteen trillions of dollars in phantom gains, all of which are the result of year after year of sizzling inflations in stocks, bonds, houses, derivatives and the size of government that all that the extra money bought and paid for!”


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